Thanks to the exceptional quality produced with our Epson Digital SurePress, growth in our Digital Department has increased steadily.
Quite unexpectedly, one became available from up North in Wine country.
Since we always try to maintain enough flexibility to meet your demand, we had this deal sewn up, and the press on our floor in less than a week. Keep those orders coming!
PLEASE THINK ABOUT IT What makes YOUR life easier?
When you think of something that makes your life easier, shoot us an email, call, or even text us!
Here are some ideas we can think of.
- Prefer to have your invoices emailed
- Prefer your label rolls smaller or larger.
- Would like us to carry a “safety” inventory ready for immediate shipment.
- Share a preferred contact method (call – email – even text) Are you out and about and not necessarily sitting at a desk? Let us know what the best option for contacting you is.
Whatever it is, please let us know.
We’re sure there are things that we probably haven’t thought of, so bring it on……….
Want more info now? Call and speak to Sandy or Christine at the number below.